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Norikop 7S

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Quick Overview

Norikop 7S is a sensitized emulsion formulated for use with solvent and water based ink.

Norikop is used for:
- general graphics / promotion
- electronics
- T-shirts
- ceramics
- industrial screen printing




Norikop 7S

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Resistant to:
- Solvent based inks
- Water based inks
- Plastisol inks

Solids: 34%

Sensitizing of emulsion:
1) Pour distilled water into the sensitizer bottle until it is 3/4 full
2) Shake the sensitizer bottle
3) Pour the content into Norikop 7S and stir with glass or wood stick
4) Wait for at least 1 hour for air bubles to escape

Shelf life:
Non-sensitized: 24 months
Sensitized: 1.5 months
Sensitized stored at % to 8 celcius: 3 months
Coated screens, not exposed: 1 month



Colour(s) Light Blue
Packing / Size 1
Unit of Measurement BOTTLE
Manufacturer Proell
Country of Origin Germany